ENHANCED BIO-AVAILABILITY | High in Anti Oxidant | Natural Anti-Inflammatory | Supports Joints & Heart Health | NO FILLERS | NO PRESERVATIVES
JanSuta Pharmaceutical’s JS-63: formula is designed for maximum potency and absorption. It is formulated with the highest quality turmeric root extract available, which is standardized to 95% total Curcuminoids – the highest amount possible. This formula is enhanced with Piperine, a black pepper extract that promotes absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract.
JS-63: enhances the body’s natural defense mechanism for strong immune protection. This unique formula — offers 10 times more bio-availability than other Curcumin extracts; protects cells from free radicals that lead to infammatory conditions and supports energy levels and a feeling of well-being. The high antioxidant activity and anti-inammatory action of bio-available Curcumin creates a most powerful solution to enhance the body’s natural defense mechanism and support the entire metabolic function.
Dosage: 1 capsule two times day, preferably after meals.
Duration: Use long-term from 1-6 months
Will be updated soon..
For external use only. Not to be swallowed. Keep out of reach of children below 12. If you accidentally swallow quantity more than used for rinsing, get medical help.
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